
A Seagull Walks into a Five and Dime…

I haven’t had time to post much lately but I did leave a trail of breadcrumbs in the form of 3-4 blog titles to remember what I was thinking along the way. This one, for example, is about animated gifs. The gif I saw that week, which has been around for several years, is a continuous loop of a seagull walking into a shop and coming out with a bag of crisps–-it was in Scotland; hence, crisps.

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Taking Video Out of the Box

One of the points I’ve continued to make in these blog posts is that we haven’t quite figured out how best to use video online. It’s a bit like the early days of television when the conventions of radio and theater dominated the medium. We have yet to see how an ideally optimized online video will look, and actual innovation beyond the traditional paradigms derived from television, advertising and cinema, is very minimal.

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Integrated Educational Video Media